
Grabbing the bull by the horns

Life happens. Pain is inflicted. Relationships go bad or just start that way. You know that phrase that life is 90% what happens to you and 10% how you react to it? I can't control the 90%. The only piece that I can affect is my 10%, my thoughts and actions. So continuing the spirit of being good to myself,  I am not going to wallow, despair, be hopeless, or beat myself up. I am going to grab the bull by the horns and deal with what I am given. I am going to make limoncello out of lemons. I am going to learn what I need to learn, adjust what I need to adjust, make a plan to handle and eliminate/control the issue in the future, and follow through with the plan diligently and positively, then move on with life and on to bigger, better, and happier things. (Yes grammar freaks, I am aware that is a super long run-on sentence, but I am leaving it as is.) Pain or the fear of pain isn't going to run my life. Some situations you just have to learn to live with for a period of time, some fix themselves with behavior and relational adjustments, some you can eliminate, and some you just release and continue without it. Today, I choose to focus on dealing with my "bulls" and move on. My heart will just have to catch up to my head. Feelings and emotions heal.

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