
Remember the Golden Rule?

When some one steps into your place of business how would you like them to behave? How would you like to be treated? Anyone who has worked in customer service can probably attest to the fact that people quite often don't remember the golden rule. They definitely do not treat others as they would like to be treated. No matter where you work or what you do, you want to be respected. The thing to remember in dealing with customer service is that the low man on the totem pole can have a large affect on how far you can get. They have bad days, you have bad days. They can help you get farther but how far you get depends on how you treat them. If you act superior to your customer service representative or treat them ill, don't expect them to bend over backwards for you or go the extra mile. However, those who treat their reps as human beings and people with a mind and feelings can find out just how knowledgable and helpful their reps can be. Quite often the person you talk to at a desk, at a dinner table or on a phone is the string that holds the package together. That rep is the one who is in contact with all of the other people who bring a product or a service to your table. Do we talk among ourselves and keep notes so those we work with know what is going on? In one word, yes. Again, this doesn't mean you won't be taken care of as required. The truly smart person knows however that their customer service rep can open a lot of extra doors for them. They have access to insider tips that can get you much further, access you want to have. They can help you get further up the chain of command if they can't solve your problem. So, remember this next time you pick up the phone or leave your house please. The world is a much happier place if we treat everyone we come into contact with respect. They may be your customer one day, and you would want them to do the same for you.

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