
So what do you do with the horse?

I can admit to having people in my life that I don't want to talk to or be around. I could avoid these people and not talk to them. That response really isn't the best choice however. If my life is a car, the connections with myself and others are the spark plugs. You don't always realize how important it is to have clean, clear connections via the spark plugs until your car winds up in the shop. Whether we like the people we meet or not, we have a connection with them. This connection shares a trait with forgiveness. It is as much about them as it is about us. The sparks fly both directions, affect both lives. When you hold resentment or ill feelings towards someone, it brings you down as well. When you refuse to forgive someone or move past the injury, you are held back as well. Enough drama arises in life that we don't need to carry our own around. So, what about the horse? You can't do a single thing to make the other person change. The only person you can change is yourself. In changing yourself, you can begin to affect and recognize change going on in the world around you. The horse may or may not drink the water. That isn't your issue. Your job is to focus on greeting this person with positive thoughts and feelings every single time. You should treat them with the same care and focus you would your closest friends and family. Miracles can occur. They may manifest in just your life, but positivity is contagious. Like smiles, your positive intentions can start a long chain of positive interactions. Thus, changing the world one moment at a time. If you still have difficulty showing love to the horse, just remember those who put up with your crap when you were feeling mean, nasty and annoyed. Pass on the positivity today!

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