

I will be the first to admit that politics are an area I often avoid. My feelings and thoughts can become quite intense and passionate, and I can't control or heavily influence this area. Why has Thailand affected me so much? I am not completely sure. My best guess is that in a short amount of time this beautiful country and its kind hearted people rapidly dissolved into violence and aggression. Much of my early information is owed to facebook friends who live there and touted the virtues of the country and people. Through them I found more connections. The pictures and videos taken are heartbreaking. The dissidence may have been burning already in the form of peaceful protests and citizens speaking out. However, the violence and stench of death is fresh. Can you imagine your neighborhood suddenly turning into a war zone? Can you imagine having to huddle in your apartment hearing the sounds of gun shots outside your door? Can you imagine the smell of tires burning? Can you imagine seeing your work place or the place where you eat or shop up in flames? Can you imagine having to run for your life while trying to retrieve your valuables from your home? Conflict happens everywhere. I have been aware of previous conflict. This time I got a real glance inside the world gone mad and heads of those caught up in the conflict. It is a heartbreaking place. How do you recover from such a conflict? How do you heal emotions in turmoil? How do you remove the newly placed anguish and fear?
The road to dissidence is short, but the road to recovery and healing is a much longer walk. If one word can tear apart what it took time and attention to build, what will acting on violence with guns, fire, and tanks do? are in my heart. May the anger and violence abate and love take its place in your hearts. My wish for you is peace.

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