
What do you risk?

The case of "tiny safety bar" vs big thrill. I just read a status update by Robin Rice's Be Who You Are: "Life is a roller coaster. Tiny safety bar down, both hands up, big smiles on, let's ride!"
This immediately struck a chord inside me. What caught my eye was "tiny safety bar."
We risk so many things of value so often for often undesirable and unrewarding results. We don't often pause to consider the risk in thrill rides, but it is there. Thrill sports, like skydiving, involve considerable risk as well. We risk losing what makes us special and unique for the approval of others. Some risk, wisely and unwisely, their money in schemes or stocks. We risk security and happiness in changing jobs, relationships, statuses of life.
In everything we do there is inherent risk, the differences lie in the degree of risk. What do you risk? Is the potential reward worth the risk you are taking? Or are you putting dollars in for a return of a few cents. The outcome should always outweigh than then investment.

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