
You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.

Some people just rub you the wrong way. Usually, an underlying cause is the reason, and they just pushed the trigger button. One of my "button pushers" just yanks the indignant, honry Southern woman out of me. I mean...a simple return or a "Hello" or a "Good Morning" would not kill them. Part of me wants to be sugary sweet and annoy beyond belief. The other part of me wants to grab her by the ear, lead her to a chair, sit her down, and give her a good piece of my mind. "Excuse me Miss Thing but my momma raised me to be courteous to others. You need to remove your head from your neather reasons and get happy." I will admit to having my moments at times in the past where I have not been nice and not cared one bit (although the guilt complex was always lurking in the back of my consciousness). This, however, is admittedly not the proper reaction and one I am working on ceasing. The whole kill them with kindness (and actually do it from a truly kind spirit) is also a work in progress. Lord help me, I am practicing it as best I can. Don't get me wrong, I still want give her a royal talking up one side and down the other. It makes me madder than a hornets nest when people treat me like something they stepped in or don't take the time to get to know me or understand me. Uppity folk just don't sit well with me. Part of the reason, like I said, is because I have or had to deal with such behaviours. In addition, my momma and daddy did not raise me that way. I was raised as "all proper Southerners" are raised. I knew my yes ma'am and my no sirs like I knew how to breathe. Men opened doors for women. (This is a dying art, but I so love when men do it.) I know how to spot a true gentleman. And if a man walks up to me and says "Hey baby," I think and sometimes say "I ain't your baby." (Yes, ain't...it still pops up in my vocabulary from time to time. So does y'all. Get over it if it bothers you. Not trying to be mean about it, but that is just the way it is...like it or not.) Now it is true that people can be nosy as all get out in the South, especially smaller communities. I have found not living in the South for a few years now that I miss that more than I ever expected. Outside of nosiness and being gossipy, people down there have a genuine care for those around them. People stop to help stranded motorists as a rule. Southern hospitality is more than a myth, it is a reality. Hugs, sweet tea, and comfort food are usually ready at hand. These traits may not be singular to the South. In my travels, I have found them to be more consistent and accepted norms, however, in the South. So, back to the original point...people just didn't ignore others and not respond to them out of a personal prejudice without it being noticable and out of the ordinary. That kind of behavior does not sit right at the base of me. Most people I meet, I find likable on one level or another. How someone can outright not like me just because and go out of their way to be mean just isn't right. That said, I can't change them, I can only change my reaction to/perception of the situation. I have a couple of people that trigger this particular issue right now. I may not like the fact that they are in my life to help me learn a lesson, but the lesson must be learned.
Ironically, I just ran across this quote:
"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you. Be miserable or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Conflict cannot survive without your participation.  I cannot always control what goes on outside, but I can always control what goes on inside." - Wayne Dyer
How appropriate!

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